Funny Baby Shower Games - let's embrace the fun!

Let's be honest, pregnancy is a bit serious!  From what to eat to counting the kicks to the realities of everything changing when you become a parent there is very little to laugh about!  To break this monotony of arduous adulting why not have some fun at the baby shower?  Break out those funny baby shower games to bring a smile back to that face!

Funny Baby Shower photo rounds

The photo round games are two of my favourite picks! Firstly, Labour or Loving where players work out if the photo is of a person in labour or a person starring in an Adult film!  Hilarious Baby Shower Game which gets everyone smiling!  The other photo round I love is Bumps or Bellies where ladies guess whether it's a dirty great big fat man's belly or a beautiful baby bump!  I've played both these games and they are the absolute funniest baby shower games ever!

Funny Baby Shower Games: Dirty Minds

Now you know that I am all about Baby Shower UK Style and innuendos and dirty minds is what we are reknowned for!  Only we British could take a Baby Shower and lace it with naughtiness, but we have! What Am I Innuendo Riddles: the Baby Shower Edition.  Hear everyday objects like ultra-sound scanners, money and lawyers being described in the most filthy ways!  A great way to roar with laughter with the girls!

There's more fun...

These are my favourite funny baby shower games  I think everyone should play.  However, maybe you had your heart set on some other Baby Shower Games.  Maybe have a look at my Favourite Baby Shower Games Top Picks?  Or we have all the classics like baby shower bingo and measure Mummy's Tummy too.  See our Full Range by clicking here

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