Not knowing the gender of the impending arrival actually frees you up to make some more choices as the Baby Shower Organiser. Often, if the gender is already announced the Baby Shower theme becomes the gender, so Boy Baby Shower or Girl Baby Shower; that's fine, it's just having no gender to constrain you gives you the opportunity to go wild on that theme!
Unisex Baby Showers don't have to be beige!
Feel free to experiment with colours and designs and don't look for steretypical gender based theme choices - boys can enjoy polka dots just as much a gils can love a bold stripe! Too often unisex seems to mean a kind of beige no real personality offering; don't fall in to that trap and properly consider how to enjoy the mystery.
Choosing Baby Shower Games which will WORK
The trend toward everything gendered has spread to the Baby Shower Games market too and it is usual to have to choose between 'boy' 'girl' and 'unisex' - eugh! Why choose! Be sure to choose games which will work for your party, with your group of ladies and with your choice of venu or style of party. I am frsutrated whenever games come in an option of 'boy' or 'girl' as games should not be an extension of the decoration or theme, they should stand-alone as their own entire category! So, any of the Boy Baby Shower Games and the Girl Baby Shower Games are suitable - because all that changes really is the design!
Unisex Baby Shower Games, Hannah's Top Picks
So below are my absolute top picks for Unisex Baby Shower Games!