As you would expect as a Party Games Brand Owner, I love to socialise! I love people, I love a drink and I love to laugh. So this Christmas the lack of socialising is really hitting me hard! I miss my people!
Each year I organise our Theatre Company Christmas Party. We normally go to a local hotel, have a three course meal and then dance the night away - and I tell you what EVERYONE is on the dance floor at a Theatre Luvvies night out!! As you'd expect, I always make sure we have some good old party games I've created to get us all in the festive spirit! The last two years we have gone to the Moorland Hotel run by the lovely Patricia and had such a great time...sad to miss it this year 😭😭
So this year we gathered on Zoom and I was determined we would still have a good old giggle! So on Saturday I created two games for us to play on the zoom and another group member kindly wrote a quiz so I could join in too (as if she'd used my Christmas Quiz I wouldn't have been able to play ☹️ )
Naughty List/Nice List Game
So the first game was 'Nice List/Naughty List'. Each person was secretly given a challenge to get someone else to say something, or find something out about them and also a group challenge. Things like 'get five people to don an item of Christmas Fancy Dress' or 'get XXX person to do a Father Christmas impression'. If you complete the challenge you shout 'Nice List' and win the challenge but if you think someone is trying to get you to do or say something you shout 'Naughty List'. It was great fun - and actually quite hard to do! A lot of us were on the naughty list by the end!
Christmas Quest Game
The other game was a 'Quest' game or Scavenger Hunt where I shouted items out and everyone had to race around their house to get the item the fastest.
Once they had it and were holding it to the camera they had to shout a christmas phrase I had allotted them. Again it was hilarious fun. Below is a picture of the task 'fashion yourself a fake Father Christmas Beard and wear it'. It was such a laugh and made me think I could develop some of these in to product ideas maybe. Need to give it some thought how it would work.
I love coming up with games like this and it felt great to have all of us laughing along together despite the distance and all we have been through. That is the power of a game and why I love what I do.
Have you had any great Virtual Christmas Parties this year?!