What a year 2020 has been for all of us! Rightly our carers have been recognised with the 'clap for carers' earlier in the year, however there are legions of other roles who have helped keep the wheels of life greased so we can continue to function in these exceptional times.
For us, Royal Mail posties are on that list of essential uncelebrated heroes.
The truth is, we have found out we can always rely on Royal Mail, even in a pandemic!
Y'know, the posties who are out there, on foot, whatever the weather and not behaving badly in long-wheelbase vans! Also a huge shout out to the guys at the Royal Mail Business Growth Team who have helped our business deal with the unprecendented challenges this year has thrown at us. I can't believe it was only last January I met them all in person up at the Bristol Mail Centre. It seems like a lifetime ago! It isn't realistic to think everything will always be perfect, but these guys have our backs when we need them.
So I was thrilled to see the Not On the High Street Thank Your Postie campaign and immediately signed up for some choccy to recognise marvellous posties!
Seeing as this was completely free I was rather expecting something a bit cheap and nasty to arrive...however I am absolutely delighted with the quality and thoughtfullness of this lovely item! Wrapped in tissue paper then the chocolate bar comes in an envelope with a wonderful 'for your postie' poem.
Then inside is a chunky bar of yummy choccy with 'Not All Heroes Wear Capes' emblazoned across it!
I mean, who wouldn't be thrilled to receive that?!
Such a brilliant idea from Not on The High Street and hopefully will brighten some postie's day's to receive such a nice gift. I am saddened none of the marketplaces we sell on thought to run such a campaign; I certainly think better of the NOTHS brand for this gesture. Maybe our friends at eBay and Amazon could learn something here...
From those who deliver, to those who collect our orders to the guys dropping off the parcels there are just so many Royal Mail employees we rely on and this year, more than ever, we are grateful for their dedication.
Thank You Postie!